Is my Rolex genuine? When you spend a lot of money on a beautiful high-end watch, you obviously want to be assured that you are not buying a fake watch.
Characteristics of Rolex authenticity you will read in this blog to reduce the chances of mis-buying.
More and more people are buying a Rolex either to wear or as an investment. Unfortunately, due to the popularity of the brand, it is also attractive in the counterfeit circuit. The Rolex is most commonly seen as a replica.
Every watch you buy from Timepieces Belgium is 100% genuine. We guarantee this after a strict authenticity check by our experts. Read our tips to learn how to recognize a replica Rolex. Do you want more security? Buy your vintage Rolex in our Collection
The main features we name are:
- The weight
- finishing
- the magnified date
- ticking
- the letters
The weight
The English say, "if it feels light, it isn't right." A genuine Rolex is made of high-quality materials, which feel heavy. A fake one uses cheaper and much lighter materials. Therefore, this too is a good guess whether your Rolex is genuine.
The magnified date
A genuine Rolex always has a magnifying glass for the date, it is always magnified exactly 2.5X.
So a too-small date notation is a mostly replica Rolex.
A genuine Rolex is made with great precision, with a fake watch less time is spent on refinement. Do you hear the watch ticking loudly? Unfortunately, you probably have a counterfeit.
The letters
Finally, the letters are also placed with the utmost care. Do you see any unevenness? That too points to a counterfeit watch, at Rolex itself, this is spot on. Also look closely at, for example, the Datejust or Daydate at the letters on the edge along the dial, are they engraved tightly?
Of course, there are many other ways to verify whether or not you have an authentic Rolex in your hands. Today, replicas are of such high quality that it is difficult to distinguish them from the real thing without using a magnifying glass or analyzing the inner workings.
Look Here for our collection of high-end vintage watches. All our watches have undergone a very strict authenticity check. Therefore, we can guarantee you 100% authenticity. In addition, we will give you a 1-year warranty with your purchase.